Welcome to

Mao-Aweys International Hospital

Serving Patients from Newborns to Seniors

Better Health Care is Our Mission

U adeegida Bukaanka Laga bilaabo Dhallaanka Cusub ilaa Waayeelka



Ummadda Soomaaliyeed waxaa lagu wargelinayaa in Dr. Cali Maco-Aweys uu howlo caafimaad ka bilaabi doono haddii Alle idmo 17-ka bishan Janaayo xarunta Muqdisho. Xarunta waxay furan tahay 9:00 subaxnimo ilaa 4:00 galabnimo



The Somali people are hereby informed that Dr. Ali Mao-Aweys will begin medical work, in shaa Allah, at the Mogadishu Center on January 17. The Mogadishu Center is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM


Isbitalkisa Magalada Muqdisho

International Hospital & General Clinic (Xarunta Muqdishu)

Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaa lagu wargelinayaa inย  Xarunta Muqdisho ay furan tahay, dhaqaatiirna ay joogaan. Xarunta Muqdisho waxay furan tahay 9:00 subaxnimo ilaa 4:00 galabnimo

Xarunta Muqdishu oo ku taalo xaafada Boondheere Boostada iyo Gaarsiinta dabadeeda. Fadlan ballan suubso.

The Somali public is informed that the Mogadishu Center is open and doctors are present. The Mogadishu Center is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Mogadishu center located in Bondhere Post and Delivery area. Please make an appointment.

Mao-Aweys Plaza

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver the best care, using advanced technology in an atmosphere of trust, safety and comfort. our dedication is to offer European standard and the best quality health care in a family friendly environment.

Hadafkayagu waa inaan bixino daryeelka ugu fiican, anagoo adeegsanayna tignoolajiyada horumarsan. Go’aankeena waa inaan bixino heerka Yurub

Our Services


We speak English, Swahili, Somali, Borana/Oromo, German, Italian and French.

Waxaan ku hadalnaa Ingiriis, Sawaaxili, Soomaali, Borana/Oromo, Jarmal, Talyaani iyo Faransiis.

Family Planning and Fertility Treatments

Daryeelka Carruurta


Daryeelka Dhallaanka iyo Talaalka (Vaccination)

Mao Aweys International Hospital

24/7 service


0796529181 - 0796529182 Kenya Country Code +254




Mao-Aweys Plaza 10th Street 2nd Avenue, Eastleigh Nairobi